
There are those people in your life that mean so much to you that you can not imagine life without them. I am very lucky & grateful to have so many of these people in my life. This portion of the book was an absolute must for me because none of this would have been possible without these beautiful souls keeping my spirits up each day! Love you all and I appreciate all that you have added and continue to add to my life.

Additional Acknowledgements:

Terre | Steffany | Rosario | Andrea | Jeffrey & Johanna | Maureen M. | Phil | Paul | Gloria | Julia | Steve M | Dawn, Corey & Justin | Bob & Deborah | Leah & Mark | Holly | Jonathan | Mimi & Nat | Crystal | Mary Kate | Christine | Mandy | Diane | Sara S | Tami | Carol N | Carol G | Marilyn & Scott | Anne V. | Amie | Laura H & Molly G | Kristina F | Serena | Bahareh | Sandra | Christina P | Flora | Yan | Jess S | Jess B | Judy | Kate A | Kathy P | Katie & Ellen | Kurtis | Lahar | Laura H | Lizabeth | Robbie D | Rosa | Skye | Yanglin | Christine M


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