Physical & Mental Health

The summer 2018 I was in the best shape of my life! I trained for 8 weeks at CorePower Yoga in Dallas, TX to become a certified yoga instructor. Facing fears of public speaking, insecurities about not being the most flexible person in the room, as well as pushing myself physically were all my goals upon enrolling. I believe that being in shape leading into treatment made a huge difference in terms of side effects. Now I realize the importance of self care and carving time out each day for it. Looking to round out my wellness routine after treatment ended, I started running again with the goal to make it to a 30 minute 5K. In addition to continuing with yoga & meditation daily, massages, talk therapy, acupuncture, & weight lifting. My yoga sequences I did after I healed from surgery will be included in the book.


Progression Photos


Mindful Eating